Agile Delivery Kit for Software Organisations


How to work in an agile way. This starter kit provides the strategies, recipes. workshops, technologies, practices, and guides that will help you and your people create a way of work that enables success.


Sprint Review Recipe



3 minutes to read

Last Updated: Thu 9 May 2024 08:36

When designing a flow for an event, it is hugely important to be clear on the purpose. For the Sprint Review, the purpose is to inspect the increment that was created during the Sprint as well as to adapt the Product Backlog based on new insights, ideas, and changes that result from this inspection. The Sprint Review is about answering the question: “Based on what we learned this Sprint, what are the next steps?”. This provides valuable input for Sprint Planning.

This recipe is an example and starting point with a number of different facilitation examples provided. Please inherit from it and make it your own. If you have a great idea please submit a new recipe

Scrum Framework Sprint Review

Flow Steps

This workshop leverages a simple flow and consists of the following:

The Product Owner presents the vision and goals, followed by a summary of what happened, and a review of the product increment. Update the product backlog and discuss likely release dates and budgeting.

Although Scrum Masters can certainly facilitate the Sprint Review, there is nothing holding others back from facilitating. Since the Sprint Review is particularly important for the Product Owner, as he or she will be sharing the increment with stakeholders, it makes sense for him or her to also play a role.

Part 1: Product Owner Presents Product Vision and Goal [5 mins]

The purpose here is for the Product Owner to set the tone and direction. Let’s be 100% clear to stakeholders, ourselves, and the customer that they are in control of what we build and if they get value or not.

Part 2: Sprint Summery - What was done, and was not [5 mins]

There will always be Backlog Items that we were unable to complete during a Sprint. This is OK and just needs to be presented as here are the things that we did, and here are the things we did not get to. Did we meet the Sprint Goal?

Cycle Time Scatter Plot

Review both the Cycle Time Scatter Plot and the Throughput Run Chart to understand what happened during this Sprint.

Part 3: Sprint Demo - Show what was created [~15 mins]

Depending on the scale there are many ways to facilitate this. The more engaging the better. If you have a lot of stakeholder participation then more advanced techniques involving liberating structures encourage the most engagement.

Facilitation Options

  • Just Present your Features [15 mins]
  • Provide short videos of the features before the event. [0 min]
  • Shift & Share [40 mins]

Part 4: Feedback - Gather feedback from Stakeholders [~30 min]

The main purpose of the Sprint Review is actionable feedback and updating the Product Backlog to reflect what’s next, based on what just happened. Guide the feedback and facilitate the engagement of stakeholders. It is never good enough to just ask for feedback!

Facilitation Options

Part 5: What’s Next? - Likely Sprint Goal and Forecast [10 mins]

Share what is the rough draft plan for the next Sprint. Share your teams Service Level Expectation (SLE) and what the options are for Sprint Goals.

Throughput Run Chart.png

You can use a Throughput Run Chart to present predictions based on empirical data with your expected confidence levels._

Part 6: Release Projections & Budgeting [10 mins]

Based on our historical data and our Service Level Expectation (SLE) you should be able to answer any Stakeholder questions on “When will I get feature A?” or “When will Feature B ship?”. Express all your predictions coupled with your confidence level of achieving it.


Use a Monte Carlo How Many or Monte Carlo Whenn to answer Stakeholder questions like “What will I get by 23/01/2024?” and “When will item x be completed?” As this is calculated using your team’s historical data you will need to discuss the Service Level Expectation for the Team(s).

Part 7: Compliance Summery [10 mins]

Do you have architectural reviews, technology overviews or legal compliance? Discuss them here.

Part 8: Any Other Business

Just as it says!

Recommended Content

  • We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. These are our values and principles.
  • The Scrum Guide contains the definition of Scrum.
  • A service level expectation (SLE) forecasts how long it should take a given item to flow from start to finish within the Scrum Team's Workflow.
  • Spread Good Ideas and Make Informal Connections with Innovators
  • What, So What, Now What? (30m) (Liberating structure)
    Together, Look Back on Progress to Date and Decide What Adjustments Are Needed
  • Sprint Review #1 (Workshop)
    The purpose of the Sprint Review is to maintain transparency of the Product Backlog and the focus of the Product Goal by integrating all of the changes that have happened in the product and the current business conditions since the last Sprint Review.

Recommended Videos

Overview of The Scrum Framework
Free Workshop 4 Introduction to Sprint Review! [Audio-Fixed]
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